CMMG Dissent AR-15 Pistol: Available in 3 Calibers


AR-15 pistols are fantastic for portability, maneuverability, and use in tighter spaces like trucks. Of course, if your AR-15 pistol is chambered in a handgun caliber, it’s not going to be quite as effective as rifle caliber models. The CMMG Dissent gives gun owners the best of both worlds, and then some, with its super-compact, bufferless profile, rifle caliber chambering options, and overall quality.

CMMG Dissent bufferless AR-15 pistol
The CMMG Dissent is a bufferless AR-15 pistol that’s available in 300 BLK, 5.56 NATO, or 5.7x28mm. (Photo credit: CMMG)

CMMG provides the following details about their Dissent AR-15 pistol:

Outfitted with CMMG ZEROED parts and accessories and donning AR15 modularity, the CMMG DISSENT boasts superior firepower in a small familiar package and will initially be offered in three different calibers with .300BLK and 5.56x45mm utilizing a Direct Impingement operating system, while the 5.7x28mm version utilizes CMMG’s patented Radial Delayed Blowback operating system. Both .300BLK and 5.56x45mm will accept and ship with their respective 30-round Magpul PMAGS and the 5.7x28mm will accept and ship with the 32-round CMMG 5.7x28mm Gen II Conversion Magazine.

The CMMG Dissent doesn’t have a buffer tube, so it’s more compact and easier to maneuver. (Photo credit: CMMG)

The CMMG Dissent features the manufacturer’s patent-pending Compact Action, which is how it’s possible to run the gun without the receiver extension and buffer assembly installed. This technology utilizes dual guide rods and springs that are contained in the upper receiver to cycle the gun’s action. It’s compatible with Direct Impingement and CMMG’s patented Radial Delayed Blowback operating systems. This is a fascinating design and promises to broaden the company’s lines overall.

CMMG Dissent
Although CMMG describes the Dissent as an AR-15 pistol, they also refer to it as a PDW. (Photo credit: CMMG)

CMMG Dissent Features

  • With a 4 lb. pull weight, the AR-D trigger showcases a light, repeatable break. Triggertech AR-D 2 Stage Trigger, developed in collaboration with CMMG and fully optimized for use with DISSENT firearms and upper receiver groups. 
  • AR-15 Modularity — pair CMMG’s DISSENT Upper with any Mil-Spec compatible AR15 lower when using the provided pic rail adapter.
  • Available in three calibers: 300 BlackOut, 5.56 NATO, and 5.7x28mm.
  • Picatinny rail end plate for greater customization.
  • Forward non-reciprocating side charging handle, with a left-hand model available.
  • Ships with 2 magazines: 300 BlackOut and 5.56 NATO ship with their respective 30-round Magpul PMAGs and the 5.7x28mm ships with 32-round CMMG Gen II Conversion Magazines.
CMMG Dissent
The CMMG Dissent is available in half a dozen different colors. (Photo credit: CMMG)

Guns like the CMMG Dissent have a fair amount of versatility to back them, and because this one’s made by a respected gun maker, its quality and reliability are assured. Aside from the trio of calibers the Dissent is offered in, it also comes in six different colors: Cerakote Armor Black, Cerakote Charcoal Green, Cerakote Coyote Tan, Cerakote Midnight Bronze, Cerakote Sniper Grey, and Cerakote Titanium. Whether you’re in the market for a new truck gun or searching for a good home defense gun, the Dissent is well worth a closer look. Not to mention it looks like a lot of fun.

MSRP starts at $1999.95.

#CMMG #Dissent #AR15 #Pistol #Calibers

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