Mixopterus - Ordovician 417 to 354 million years Mixopterus are said to be one of the largest family members of the Eurypterids. Some of the largest sizes are up to two meters in length. It is said that the long tail curls over the back of the animal to pierce its prey such as fish. Mixopterus were capable of crawling out of water and were able to walk on land because of the two sets of legs near its head. These forms of Eurypterids are the most common to look like our current day scorpions, and perhaps the ancestor to all scorpions. Mixopterus are the spiny types of Eurypterids. Eurypterids also called “sea scorpions” for the similarity to today’ s scorpion was a predator that lived in shallow warm water in the Ordovician time period and the last couple went extinct in the Permian period. These periods occurred in the Paleozoic Era. Most Eurypterids have been found in brackish or fresh water. Very few specimens of the Mixopterus have been found.注意事項 <<取引のご注意>>
Eurypterid, Mixopterus
Mixopterus - オルドビス紀 417から354000000年
Mixopterus最大の一つであると言われています Eurypteridsの家族。
最大の大きさのいくつかは、長さが2メートルまでです。 これは、動物の背中の上
にロングテールカールが魚などの獲物を貫通するようにと言われています。 Mixopterusは、
そしておそらくすべてのサソリの祖先です。 MixopterusはEurypteridsのとげタイプです。
Eurypteridsは、「海のサソリ」と呼ばれます 今日のサソリとの類似性のためのオルドビス紀の期間
これらの期間は、古生代に発生しました。 ほとんどEurypteridsは汽水や淡水で発見されています。
Mixopterus - Ordovician 417 to 354 million years
Mixopterus are said to be one of the largest family members of the Eurypterids.
Some of the largest sizes are up to two meters in length.
It is said that the long tail curls over the back of the animal to pierce its prey such as fish.
Mixopterus were capable of crawling out of water and were able to walk on land because of the
two sets of legs near its head. These forms of Eurypterids are the most common to look like
our current day scorpions, and perhaps the ancestor to all scorpions. Mixopterus are the spiny
types of Eurypterids. Eurypterids also called “sea scorpions” for the similarity to today’
s scorpion was a predator that lived in shallow warm water in the Ordovician time period
and the last couple went extinct in the Permian period. These periods occurred in the Paleozoic
Era. Most Eurypterids have been found in brackish or fresh water. Very few specimens of the Mixopterus have been found.注意事項
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